Scoresby is the Province Centre of the Salesian Sisters, South Pacific Region, which includes Australia, Samoa and Solomon Islands. The Province Leader is Sr Louise McKeogh. Sisters in the community serve as Bursar, Archivist Youth Ministry Coordinator and Social Communication Coordinator. Community apostolates include university teaching, sacramental programmes, liturgical music ministry, fund raisings for our missions, and animation of Marian spirituality.

Province Administration
Together with the province leader, sisters from the Scoresby community work at the province centre as Province Bursar and Archivist.

Sacramental Programme
Sr Carmel Krohn conducts the religious education classes for State School children at St Gregory the Great Parish, Doncaster. The sacraments the children receive are First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation.

Marian Spirituality
Sr Maureen Irvine is actively involved in the Marian team at St Jude's Parish, Scoresby. This includes coordinating the passage of a pilgrim statue of Our Lady around the parish throughout the year. This year the team is conducting a Fatima Pilgrimage at Scoresby each 13th day of the month from May to October because this year, 2017, marks the centenary of Our Lady's appearances to the children at Fatima, Portugal, from 13 May to 13 October, 1917. The Pilgrimage includes a candle-lit procession, hymns, the rosary in various languages, an act of entrustment to Mary Immaculate and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The Pope has granted a plenary indulgence (freedom from all sin and return to baptismal innocence) to all who honour Our Lady in church on 13th day of May to October.
This year Sr Maureen has shown the film The Miracle of our Lady of Fatima three times in the parish theatrette to raise awareness of the centenary.

Care of Elderly Sister
Sr Esperanza, the most precious presence in the province, is being lovingly cared for by the Sisters in Scoresby.