ASYC Retreat 2017
ASYC (Australian Salesian youth Community) - changed from ASYM - met at Dromana for their annual “Mission” Retreat.
It was an awesome weekend, with input, personal quiet time, prayer and activities for reflection. These young people are really a credit to us FMAs and SDBs.. They are indeed eager to live the Salesian Spirituality in their own lives and to share it with others. Just by way of sharing….One of the activities we did, was each person pulled out from a hat, a Gospel passage/miracle/teaching of Jesus. The person with that particular passage had to be the “Director” and had to involve the whole group to create a "Freeze Frame" of that passage which was then captured on camera. This scene could be done anywhere the director saw fit. As you see from the photos, they were done along the road, on the beach, in front of houses etc. These are some of the easier freeze frames to figure out.
But have a go, and try to guess which of the Gospel passages/teachings/miracles these photos depict…If you get them right, you will get a star and a little prize when I see you next. Good luck.