Veneration of Don Bosco's relic at St Marys, Sydney - Day 1
The Engadine community spent two wonderful days with Anna, Hieu and Kim at St. Marys since they, too, were involved in the veneration of the relic of Don Bosco that is presently at the Salesian parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, St. Marys. In two posts I would like to share what we experienced on Friday, 25 August and Saturday, 26 August!
Friday, 25 August. The Engadine community is invited to St. Marys community to join in the festivities to honour the relic of Don Bosco which is now being venerated in the SDB parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, St. Marys. The evening Eucharistic celebration is open to all friends, benefactors, volunteers of the Don Bosco Youth and Recreation Centre and parishioners of Our Lady of the Rosary parish. Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen, Bishop of the Parramatta Diocese presides. Fr. Brendan Murphy, sdb Parish Priest, SDB confrere and visiting religious and diocesan priests concelebrate.

In his homily the bishop shared that in the veneration of relics of the saints, it takes ways nothing from the worship of God. The relic reminds us of the gifts of the Spirit given to people from around the world to enrich the Church. In quoting Mathew’s Gospel just proclaimed he stresses that Jesus is asking us all to be like children, becoming little, that is, to have total dependence on God, to be childlike in our relationship with God. Bishop Vincent acknowledges the good that the Salesian priests, brothers and sisters, are doing in St. Marys and throughout the world for the good of young people. Quoting the words of Pope Francis he states that even before the following phrase of Pope Francis became popular, to “smell like sheep”, Don Bosco lived it for the well-being of young people. We are all called to do the same, meeting people with compassion, care and concern, no matter what. At the end of the Eucharist Bishop Vincent presents Fr. Brendan Murphy. sdb, parish priest, a sacred chalice which was the possession of the first parish priest of Our Lady of the Rosary Parish. It is a fitting gesture to have a link with the beginnings of this parish as the SDB are celebrating the centenary of the beginnings of their presence in Australia.
After the Eucharistic celebration all are invited into the Don Bosco Youth Centre to enjoy each other’s company and share a BBQ.
