60 years young!
Today is a day of remembrance for us all and we are all called to bring that remembrance into life in our daily lives.....HAPPY 5 AUGUST! In a special way we remember Sr. Josephine as she celebrates her 60th anniversary of religious profession at Scoresby. Fr. Greg Chambers and 4 other priests, - 2 SDB, the emeritus parish priest of Clayton and a Carmelite, - concelebrated at a very meaningful Eucharist in the Sisters' chapel at 3pm. Sr. Jo picked out the readings herself and Fr. Greg shared the Word of God in such a meaningful way: 1 Samuel 1:3:1-9 = THE CALL, Acts 14: 21-23, THE ANSWER TO THE CALL and John 1:35-42, THE MISSION AMONG GOD'S PEOPLE! All the Sisters in Melbourne participated as well as parishioners from Clayton and Scoresby. Margaret was able to bring her mother and Olive was so pleased to see so many of the Sisters. In the hall everyone enjoyed each other's company and Sr. Jo truly expressed her gratitude to everyone for making it such a meaningful day for her. She shared with all that this day is so special not only for her but for all FMA through out the world, being the day on which Maria Domenica and 10 other young women proclaimed their 'yes' to being Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. Let us rejoice with Sr. Jo on this her special day!