Foundation Day celebration
This year together with over thirteen thousand FMAs across the globe, the SPR province had the great joy of celebrating our Foundation Day with three Jubilarians in three different realities
Sr. Laura Chau, 50 years of profession, Engadine
Sr. Margaret Bentley, 40 years of profession, Melbourne
Sr. Sesila Sala, 25 years of profession, Henderson
It is also wonderful that we could celebrate this day with our dear Sr. Jo Bargigli, one of SPR first pioneer (we are so lucky to have her here with us!).
Although thousands of kilometres apart, we feel united in the same spirit.
"Be always cheerful!" and "Take courage!" - resounds words of the first FMA, St. Maria Domenica Mazzarello.
May the spirit of Mornese be always alive in our hearts and manifest in our lives!