ASYC Retreat 2017
ASYC (Australian Salesian youth Community) - changed from ASYM - met at Dromana for their annual “Mission” Retreat. It was an awesome...

Sr Kim's First Profession
Our newest addition to the SPR Province. Sr. Kim PT Nguyen who made her first profession on the 3rd Dec 2016. In the presence of her...

Dromana Senior Summer Camp 2017
About 73 young people from various parts of Victoria, Melbourne and 7 young people from Tassie, participated in the senior summer camp at...

Sr. Mena made her fourth profession
On Saturday 10 December, the same day that Sr. Esperanza celebrated her 75th anniversary of FMA profession, Sr. Mena made her fourth...

Salesian Sisters celebrate with Year 9 Students
The Salesian Sisters are grateful to Yr 9 Mazzarello Campus, for inviting them to be part of their annunal campus feast day celebration....

Papal Award Bestowed on Sr Doris
This year the Salesian Sisters in the SPR province has the great joy of having one of their members, Sr Doris Barbero, receving the...

On the 19th and the 20th of February 2016, the community of Scoresby hosted and were wholeheartedly involved in the ‘Dare to Pause’...

Meet our postulants Salome Falomae and Iutita Kasio
The community of FMA (Figlie Di Maria Ausiliatrice) Sisters in Scoresby welcome our two postulants Salome Falomae from the Solomon...

The most meaningful Christmas - Thanks to the Salesian Sisters
A reflection on this special event “feeding the homeless” initiated by Sr. Ememma and sponsored by the Community of Scoresby. One of the...

Making a difference
Wanting to make a difference to the lives of some on those less fortunate, the initiative by Sr. Ememma, to organise a BBQ and chirstmas...