FMA Council meeting with Fr Vaclav
It was indeed a pleasure to have Fr. Vaclav Klement, The Regional Councillor for East Asia and Oceania for the Salesians, come to our FMA...

Sisters celebrate Province Day
During the Province assembly held in September, the Sisters celebrated Province Day, commonly known as Gratitude Day..an important event...

OLR Salesian Youth Leaders at OzBosco
Seven OLR Salesian leaders, Sr. Matalena and myself travelled to Melbourne on Friday 14th October to participate in the Salesian Youth...

Inter-Parish Youth Camp 2011
The three Catholic parishes, The Assumption- Ruavatu, The Good Shepherd-Tenaru and The Christ the King- Tetere from the North East of...

My Life is My Service
Celebrating a milestone in our lives only happens once in a lifetime. On the 6th of August, 2011, the Salesian Sisters at Henderson...

SIARC Fellowship with Melanesian Sisters and Sisters of the Church
The Solomon Islands Associations for Religious Congregations in the Catholic Church gathered at the Salesian Sisters place at Henderson...

A Journey of Life A Journey of Love
In the afternoon of the 14th of May, 2011, the Salesian Sisters, family and friends and the community of St. Margaret Mary’s Catholic...

OLR celebrates the Relic of Don Bosco
WOW ! what a demonstration of love, faith and spirituality right here at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish - St. Marys. Weeks of planning...

Don Bosco Relic Visits St Margaret Mary's North Brunswick
The visit of Don Bosco's Relic at St Margaret Mary's, North Brunswick, Victoria (18-20 March, 2011), was just really wonderful! With the...

A Joyful Event for Youth
The Salesian Youth Club (SYC) Leadership Camp this year happened at Scoresby in the cosy little hall with nearly 20 leaders and a number...